Custom Abutments

Custom Abutments

We understand the importance of personalized care in dental restoration our custom milled dental abutments are designed to match the unique anatomy and requirement of each patient, ensuring superior aesthetics and functionality.

We work with both Medentika and Dess abutment blanks, titanium and chrome cobalt, to help ensure we can cover a wide range of commonly used implant systems.


  • Precise Fit and Function: Custom milled dental abutments offer precise adaptation to the implant site, ensuring optimal fit, stability, and long-term functionality for dental restorations. 
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Our digitally designed abutments can be customized to match the natural color and contours of surrounding teeth, enhancing the overall esthetics of the restoration.
  • Biocompatibility and Comfort: With high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship, our dental abutments promote biocompatibility and patient comfort, reducing the risk of complications and enhancing patient satisfaction. 

Get in Touch

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